Saturday 7 January 2012

Analogy Metaphor

Analogy can be divide into metaphor and simile
Metaphor=2 different things can be linked by some similarity,not using as/like
Similes=using as/like
There are many categories of analogies examples are logical analogies and affective analogies

Logical analogies are analogies, which use similarities in the design, structure or function of to connect back to the subject. For example a duck can be compared to a hovercraft because of the fact that both of them can move on the surface of land and water. Another example is the comparison of the whale and a submarine, where both can dive to great depths but still need to surface for air. (Sourced from: Nicholas Rourkes’ Art Synectics.)

Affective analogies are the emotional resemblance. The clearest example is the use of an animal to explain a certain characteristic of a person. This type of analogy is used most frequently in conversation to emphasis certain points. For example, he is like a pig (because he is lazy), she is like an ant (because she is hard working), he is like an owl (because he is wise), etc. This type of analogies uses the intrinsic values of the object as a comparison.

(Sourced from: Nicholas Rourkes’ Art Synectics.)

here is a link about it

Random words Association

To create "Scary image or Object" that will instill fear among people through out the ages

Random words:Kitten

-Lighten eyes during night

1) Create a lighten scary eyes that look amgrily to people


I hate hand sketch but i just know how to use traces from AI
It looks so good hehe^^~

Juxtaposition(Examples with poems)

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Love”

Love is like chili ,It is hot and spicy and will never change the taste

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Life”

Life is like candle, when the fire put off ,the life ends up

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Pain”

Pain is like ice cream, that will make you remember the taste forever

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Love or Life”

Life i like a cup of coffee ,you need it in order to carry on your days

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Love or Life”

Life is like wallet, full of different colors

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Love or Life”

Love is like rabbit, it make you fall in love with it's fluffy and love it forever

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Happiness”

Happiness is like a clock, it will passed

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Happiness”

Happiness is like a cat, make you fell lovely

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Love or Pain

Love is like a cat and chicks, it will fade in a minute

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Man or Woman”

Man and woman are like mortal and pestle, they need to work hardly to carry on their life

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Man or Woman”

Man and woman are like a fish with a shark fins, they need power to prevent them from hurts

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Man and Woman”

Man and woman are like a pink sheep, different from each others


The brain is divided into two halves (hemispheres).
Usually, the left half of the brain controls the right side of the body.
The right half of the brain controls the left side of the body.
sourced from

Introduction to Creative studies

I didn't attend the classes so i dun know a lot about the class but i had in the class for a few weeks now and i think creative studies classes really teaches us a lot of creative thinking that make us can think out of the box and create our own ideas and i having a lot of fun in this class~Thank you to all the lecturers...I wishes more explanation from the lecturer but they make us think in our own ways haha^^ this is quite a good way to learn.

"The best way to predict your future is to create it!"

"The best way to predict your future is to create it!"

The new and the old are not two completely different entities but
rather the two sides of a coin. The new is always based on what
was before and the one appears through another like the water
under the ice for those who can see.

In my opinion i think this is true because we innovate new thing based on old thing.We keep on improve our product or ideas through innovation and our own creativity.The study of creativity that is based on the presumption of novelty aims to reveal the universal laws of its generation and to explain how original works are produced by using the old material and known procedures.

Originality is not a decisive feature of creative work and Novelty in
creativity is always based on what has been created before.
Moreover, perception of what is new is context dependent - novelty is
recognized in contrast with what is considered old; the same thing can
be perceived as either new or old. The old can become the new
again if it is preceded by something different; hence the phenomenon
of recurrence.(Refered to lecturer's notes)

Friday 6 January 2012

What is Juxtaposition?

Juxtaposition can be defined as placing two variable, side by side and their contrast or similarity are shown through comparison. Many creative processes rely on juxtaposition. By juxtaposing two objects or words next to each other, human brain will automatically associate or transfer meaning. Usually ‘turning’ something familiar to something less familiar or vice-versa.

The process is like this
1)Identify your problem
2)to place two objects or words next to each other. What automatically happens is that there is transference of meaning. Usually from something familiar to something less
3)Then make a small logical mind map
4)Relate your problem with the mind map and create a drawing or poem

Here is some juxtaposition works

What is Novelty,Innovation and Invention ?

In my opinion ,novelty is quality of being new.Creativity is the ability to think up and design new inventions, produce works of art, solve problems in new ways, or develop an idea based on an original, novel, or unconventional approach.Subjective novelty is the apperception of something as being new by an individual person or a group of persons while Objective novelty is something that is new for all humanity in its development through ages.innovation is the process of create a new ideas that others people never think before and propose it the the world and create some changes.It maybe new innovation in certain product or even structure of buildings.
Innovations are divided into two broad categories 1)Continuous evolutionary innovations and Dynamic continuous evolutionary innovations 2)Revolutionary innovations (*sourced from lecturer's notes)
For examples didi you know how our mobile phone had changes through innovation?From black and white screen into today's Smart phones.Here is the link ,please have a look
Here is some useful video link

sourced from youtube
souced from youtube
sourced from youtube

Thursday 5 January 2012

Associated Mind map

We were asked to think about what is the use of Mortal And Pestle after 20 years hmmmpppp~
By using associated mind map we could link what is the first though of usage of mortal and pestle when we see it(assuming that we dun know the real function)
Here is the link for the real fuction of mortal and pestle :

For example we could say that after 20 year mortal and pestle is used to wake you up people will put the mortal on head and hit with the pestle